Tuesday, December 1, 2009

If at first you don't succeed...

So, I like the idea of blogging, but I'm not very good at keeping up with it. The holidays are a very busy time, but I also am usually working on many fun projects and activities that are definitely worth blogging about. Therefore, I'm going to try again. I'm making a fun new format for myself too so it's even easier to get myself writing. Here goes!

Current mood: Content
Happiest moment today: Maddie's smile when I picked her up from daycare
Biggest Accomplishment today: Scrubbing the bathroom top to bottom! I hate doing this, so I'm glad it's done.

Medical fact of the day: The regular flu and H1N1 flu vaccines are different! If you only got the H1N1 one, you still need to be protected against regular flu so you should get your vaccine before that one hits too! Your kids need it too. If it's your baby's first year getting the shot, they need two doses 1 month apart.

Thoughts: Right now I am thinking about how yummy the beef stew in the crock pot smells - if it tastes as good as it smells I'll post a recipe.

Christmas Countdown

Current Mood: Sleepy
What I accomplished today: Haven't finished yet, but will address all of my Christmas cards when Maddie goes to bed

I don't know about anyone else out there, but I don't just like the holiday season, I LOVE it! Lights, trees, wrapping paper, Christmas music - I love it all! This year is especially exciting for our family because it is my baby girl's very first Christmas. I'm hoping to carry on as many family traditions as we can as well as starting some new traditions of our very own.

Family traditions:
- Watching holiday movies together
- Advent calendars (although Maddie is too young this year!)
- Decorating the tree together
- Christmas eve gatherings

New traditions:
- Watching the first holiday movie of the year on Thanksgiving night

Please share some of your favorite holiday traditions in the comments!