Sunday, March 28, 2010

Tomato Mint Bites

When I came home I was excited to come up with something as a light lunch using the fresh tomatoes and mint I picked up at the Farmer's Market. I looked around on the Bon Appetit website for some inspiration and found this recipe. I didn't have all the right ingredients, so this was what I came up with after playing around:

Homemade bread with Feta spread, Tomatoes, and Mint

Homemade Bread (recipe I used can be found here)
1/4 cup feta
1/4-1/2 cup reduced fat sour cream
1/2 of a fresh squeezed lemon
Black Pepper, to taste
1 small thinly sliced tomato
3 chopped mint leaves

To make my own "spreadable cheese", I mixed the feta, sour cream, lemon juice, and black pepper in my mini food processor.

I only let it blend for about ten seconds because I wanted the texture to still be a bit chunky.

My homemade bread, cheese spread, mint, and tomatoes

I cut slices of bread into quarters, spread with cheese, and sprinkled with pepper. Then I topped with sliced tomato and chopped mint.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Farmer's Market

Last night I discovered that the Troy Farmer's Market I've visited during the summer runs an indoor winter market as well. Apparently my husband has been aware of this, but kept it from me because he was afraid it would "cost us too much money."

To digress for a minute - I haven't gone into this aspect of my new food concerns yet, but I might just as well put it out there because it's going to play a large part in how I shop and cook. As a young family just starting out we need to live "conservatively." This means each week I try to budget myself $50-75 dollars at the grocery store - I am rarely successful at sticking to the lower end of the budget. So, the struggle to replace all of our old processed foods with better, more sustainable products is complicated by the fact that I have to be as thrifty as I can.

In the end, I convinced my husband that we should at least check out the market this morning when I got home from work. We slowly lapped the atrium trying an occasional sample of organic cheese or produce while I carefully calculated which products I'd like to try for $15 or less. In the end, I ended up with a jar of homemade Strawberry Pear jam ($4), three hydroponic tomatoes ($2), a few organic mint springs ($2), and a quarter pound of mild mesculin mix ($3.50).

When I got home I couldn't wait to come up with something yummy to make for lunch with the tomatoes and mint. The simple recipe I came up with will follow shortly

My Food Revolution

I love food. If I were to estimate, I'd say greater than 50% of my day is spent thinking about, preparing, and eating food. In all the hours that I spend thinking about what my family will be eating, I spend mere minutes a week thinking about where our food is coming from. I fear I've been going about this all wrong.

Maybe this will make me sound like an idiot. Or a yuppie. Or a yuppie idiot. I don't know, but here's the truth - I watched the movie Food, Inc. I'm smart enough to know that the filmmakers had an agenda in producing the film and that there is clearly a bias; but still. I feel like this movie forced me to acknowledge the things I already knew in the back of my head. The big food companies are out there producing mass quantities of sub-standard food under less than ideal conditions because the consumer is too tired, too busy, too poor, and too lazy to think enough about it to raise their voices in protest.

Especially now, with a beautiful little girl dependent on my choices to fuel her little body and brain, I need to think about food in a whole new way. I want our food to be the best it can be, produced in an honest way, and supportive of a greater cause.

And so, this begins my journey away from Little Debbie Snack Cakes and the drive-thru at Taco Bell towards the greener pastures of organic farmers and the warmth of my own oven.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Birthday Party!

This is the first in a series of posts on my planning process for my daughter's first birthday party. I am so excited to finally have a little one to plan things for. As my friends and family know, I LOVE to plan parties. The theme for my little bug's party is Sesame Street and Elmo. I've spent a lot of time prowling Target, Walmart, AC Moore, Michael's, Joann's and assorted party supply stores trying to find as many personalized details as I can at a reasonable price.

My first project was making the perfect invites to set the stage for the party. As I made all the invitations for my wedding and various other events, I did have many of the supplies already which made making these very inexpensive. I also watched the ads and waited until the cards and paper were all on sale for 40% off. I think it cost roughly $10 for the paper and card supplies and $15 to add the circle cutter and template to my collection of supplies.

Here are the photos:

All of the supplies:
packs of flat cards and envelopes
8x11 paper in primary colors
12x12 paper (only black used)
Fiskars shape cutter
two sizes of circle punches
BIG glue stick

The red and orange paper with the shape cutter and template for Elmo's head and nose

The white and black paper with the punches and circle cutter that I used to make the eyeballs and Elmo's mouth (I cut out an oval and then used a slice from either end to make Elmo's smile)

All of the pieces ready to be assembled!

Elmo comes together!

(Not pictured here, but seen in the final product are the small circles I thought of as an additional decoration which were punched using the smaller circle punch from the scraps of the paper used to make the colorful invitation wording.)

The front of the invitation

(The colors are muted because my husband used a scanner to put this image into the computer and it washed them out a bit)

The back of the invitation with (personal information blurred.)

I was really excited with how these came out. I knew the Elmo was a good representation when I saw the huge smile on my little girl's face the first time she saw them.

More party planning to come in the next few weeks...