Friday, October 4, 2013

Sleep Deprived

I really should be on a treadmill right now preparing for the 5K (my first ever) I am running tomorrow. Clearly, that is not the case. Instead, I'm using the three hours I've been up (thanks baby bear, thanks a lot) to place orders on Vistaprint, browse Pinterest and pin a few dozen more pumpkin recipes I won't have time to actually bake, make strange obsessive party lists for baby bear's upcoming first birthday party, and (duh) post here. Unless I leave the house (and then I would have to go to the gym, and I'm obviously trying to avoid that), this is really all I can do.

As all of my "work space" (living room and kitchen) is so close to the bedrooms I will wake the monsters if I do much else I've been contemplating whether I can get away with brewing a cup of coffee for the last 60 minutes and have, thus far, decided against it. I am enjoying this little tiny bit of peace and responsibility free time too much to risk disrupting it.

I've annoyingly and repeatedly pointed out recently mentioned a few times that things are busy around here. Guess what? It got SO MUCH busier in the past week. Here's the breakdown:

  • The situation with the monster children is no different - the bug is still sweet 50% of the time and an irrational, maddeningly defiant creature the other 50% of the time and the bear is a wonderful baby with the exceptions that she rarely sleeps through the night and tries to aspirate small objects at least a dozen times a day.
  • Also on the family front, my little sister had her baby (I'm in love!) and I'm trying to make time to see him as often as I can because he is growing so fast already! 
  • Work continues to get busier by the day as we enter cold and flu season. As soon as the kids go back to school the office visits for congestion, sore throat, pink eye, etc pick up.
  • And the ongoing house selling process! The good news about the house is that I can finally stop cleaning 24/7 because we have a buyer, but the bad news is that they want a fast closing and (pending the official closing date from the bank) we need to be out by the end of the month.
  • As I eluded to above, baby bear's first birthday is fast approaching and I am also planning her party. I had already agreed to scale back my usual party planning/crafting/cooking, but it's getting even more scaled back now. This makes me sad.
  • Finally, our Disney vacation is fast approaching and all I can hope for is that the warm weather clothing makes it with us through the move and we can find it when I need to pack.

So while much of this increased business is due to GOOD things, it's still insane. Even though I am SO tired, I can barely fall asleep at night because my head is so packed with plans, ideas, and concerns. Last night my husband and I drank a bottle of champagne to celebrate the house selling process and it was the first time in weeks I've fallen asleep effortlessly. Of course, I've been up since 4 am because the baby bear wouldn't want to let me get in a full 8 hours...