Friday, April 30, 2010

Lemon Mint Baked Chicken with Grape Tomatoes

Disclaimer: I rarely follow exact recipes - I add an extra pinch of this and a dash of that while leaving out something else. All of my measurements are gross approximations.

This recipe is the brainchild of my desire for fresher foods that I can throw together FAST.

First, I whipped up a really simple marinade - olive oil, fresh squeezed lemon juice, mint, garlic, and pepper. After whisking the ingredients into a fresh Spring-y olfactory delight, I added boneless, skinless chicken breast and some grape tomatoes to the party. The oven preheated to 400 and I prepared the baby's dinner while the chicken and tomatoes marinated for ~20 minutes (maybe less, I was in a hurry to get it on the table!). Then, I baked the chicken and tomatoes. For the last 2 minutes of baking I pumped the oven up to broil to get a little blister to the skin on the tomatoes.

I let the chicken and tomatoes cool a smidge while I prepped myself a big plate of organic spring mix. I diced up one chicken breast and scattered it over the bed of greens. Following the chicken was a scoop of the roasted tomatoes topped with a generous sprinkling of feta cheese.

My husband ate his portion with store-brought Balsamic Vinegarette, but I felt the chicken and tomatoes had so much flavor this salad was perfect naked.

I plan to make this again, soon. I'll add a picture then.

1tbsp olive oil
1 clove of garlic minced
juice of 1 lemon
1 tsp fresh mint chopped

2 large boneless skinless chicken breasts, halved
2 handfuls of grape tomatoes (a few dozen)

1/3 cup feta cheese, divided
organic spring mix (you choose how much you want!)

Whisk the marinade and add the chicken and tomatoes as described above. Marinade for 20 minutes (or more, if you have the time).

Bake for 25 minutes at 400. Broil for the last 2 minutes.

Serve chicken and tomatoes over greens topped with feta.


This recipe will make 4 side portions or 2 big main course portions

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