Wednesday, May 19, 2010


That's right, I feel really, really, REALLY old right now. I was home visiting with a friend/cousin and her adorable baby girl when I realized I needed some fresh Parmesan cheese for the recipe I was intending to make for dinner. I decided to head down the road to Roma's and get the cheese, as well as some ground beef for meatballs I need to make tomorrow. As I was unloading my purchases at the checkout counter, I had the following exchange with the cashier:

Him: "That's not your blue Mazda out there is it?"
Me: "Yes" (with a note of panic in my voice as visions of my failure to engage the emergency break resulting in the car rolling into the street and being smashed to bits by a large truck)
Him: "You like Phish?"
Me: "Yes" (trying to figure out what my music preferences have to do with the fact that my car is in pieces all over the road)
Him: "Cool. Are you going to the shows next month?"
Me: "What? Is there something wrong with my car?" (NOW I realize that I am driving Matt's old car with the "phishead" license plate) "Oh...I mean...yeah, I'm going..."
Him: "Cool. I saw them back in November at the Times Union Center. I can't wait to see them again. I just saw my first show last summer"

I did some quick math and realized this kid saw his first show TEN YEARS after I saw my first show. Wow.

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