Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Breaking the silence...

I love to blog - share recipes, get my frustrations from daily life out, and talk about health topics that interest me, BUT I tend to get lazy. I think about a blog post that I want to make all day, and then the craziness of being a resident all day and mommy to a 16 month old crazy bug all night just exhausts me. Usually it's to the point that once the dinner dishes are washed, the toys are picked up, tomorrow's dinner is prepped in the fridge, and I've fold laundry/wiped down counters/tackled dust bunnies I am unwilling to even peel myself off the couch to take the five step journey to the sofa table that houses our laptop. For what it's worth, I'm going to try to post more often. And, after continuing to read many of my favorite blogs despite my own cyber-silence, I'll be trying to add some of my own regular features.

So, if you can handle the possible disappointment if I fail to tend to my blog (yet again), hang on as I start up again...

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