Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dork with a Capital D

In case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm a big dork. No, not the movie version of a "dork" who takes off her glasses, pulls out her ponytail, and automatically transforms into head cheerleader. I'm the kind of dork who runs out of time playing Scattergories trying to come up with the most obscure Harry Potter references possible and has seriously considered throwing a birthday party for her cat. That in mind, I think one of the dorkiest things about me has to be how inappropriately giddy I feel this time of year.

I don't care that I've been out of school for over two years and will (likely) never be a full time student again. The end of the summer will always mean one thing to me - BACK TO SCHOOL. As the days get shorter and the nights get cooler, I have an insane desire to purchase new sneakers and fill my good old LL Bean backpack with freshly sharpened pencils, 5 subject notebooks, multi-colored index cards, and brand new highlighters. And most of all, I yearn to walk across the picturesque campus of Boston College again with a stack of newly purchased textbooks and the chance to daydream about all the new things I have the opportunity to learn. I know, it's crazy, but so very, very true.

And that's why I'm a dork with a capital D.

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