Sunday, April 24, 2011

Post 18 - Eggs!

First off, Happy Easter! I just had to share this funny story from this morning that just personifies what it's like living with a two year old...

After Bug got up and found her Easter basket this morning (and snuck two Lindt chocolate chicks), it was time for breakfast. I made us cheddar eggs and cinnamon raisin toast. Usually bug loves eggs and devours them, but today she only took one bite and proclaimed, "All done!" We kept her at the table for another ten minutes hoping she would change her mind (as she often does), but she continued to resist. Finally, admitting defeat, I scraped her plate into the trash. As soon as the last piece hit the bag, Bug came running over yelling, "Eggs! Eggs! NO!" She then lifted the trash lid mournfully, looked at me with huge sad eyes, and said, "Eggs?"

Yup, that's how it goes these days...

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