Monday, April 11, 2011

Post 9 - Birthday Bug

First of all, I'm changing the title of my posts to numbers rather than days as I still think I can catch up to 30 posts in 30 days...

Anyway, yesterday was bug's SECOND birthday! It was a wonderful day for her (and us!) from start to finish. Unfortunately she woke a little bit early as I was messing around in the kitchen trying to finish dipping my cake pops and to make the frosting for her birthday cake (pics to come soon). As it was her birthday, we threw the rules out the window and she got to eat a cake pop at 8am. Daddy couldn't wait to give her his favorite present, so she got to open her brand new drum shortly thereafter.

The rest of the morning I spent juggling enjoying the bug and getting her cake decorated. As I bake a lot, she's used to the Kitchen-Aid and loves watching it mix up cake, brownies, and especially frosting. Bug's the official taste tester in our house, if it gets an exclamation of "Nummy!" we know we've done a good job. I think she's developing an early interest in cake decorating as she watched me make the owl on her cake with only one (OK, maybe two...) finger swipes at the frosting for a sample.

Once the cake was done, I cooked bug up her favorite breakfast (a cheesy omelet) and we watched videos of her taken in the past few months (another of her favorite things to do). Finally, it was time to get down to business with decorating the house and re-decorating bug's room so bug was whisked off to her Mimi and Pa's house for a few hours of pampering and doting while Daddy and I spot cleaned the bathroom, living room, and kitchen, transformed her nursery into her big girl rooom (pics soon, I promise!), picked up a few dozen balloons, put up her birthday banner, and set the food table!

Then, it was party time! Bug had a great time having all her relatives around to play with her, although she did get so pooped out from lack of a nap that she refused to open any gifts without extreme prodding. We even got to skype with my parents who are vacationing in Florida so everyone got to sing "Happy Birthday" and watch her blow out her candles!

Finally, we ended the night with her favorite type of take-out (wonton soup), read almost a dozen books (up from the usually 5-6), and tucked her into her big girl bed for the first time (which also went extremely well, but more about that in a separate post!).

Overall, it was a great day! Thanks to all our family for celebrating with us.

Much more about all the details (with pictures) once my husband edits them for me:-)

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