Wednesday, October 12, 2011

And exhale...

I realized that it has been almost 2 months since I posted anything! In all fairness to myself, it's been crazy around here. In brief, this is what's been going on that's kept me away from the computer:

  • I got hired for a new job! A real job! And...I'll be working part-time for at least a year.
  • We (meaning my husband, father in law, and dad) re-modeled the bug's playroom.
  • I finished residency!!
  • I found out my new job won't start til December, so I'm a "stay at home mom" for two months.
  • We took the bug to Disney World!
  • I studied for and took my certifying board exam.
And now, I've finally reached the point when I can take a deep breath, slowly exhale, and RELAX! I'll try to give some attention back to the blog because I have many things I'd like to share about Disney, plenty of new recipes and crafts, and I imagine I'll need an outlet for my thoughts on what it's like to abruptly switch from working 40-80 hours a week to working NONE. 

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