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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monster Mix

In my 33 month post I mentioned that bug's tantrums recently have centered around our denial of junk food. I found myself in one of these situations yesterday morning when I was attempting to get us out of the house. Bug spotted the jar of M&Ms and immediately asked for some. As I prepared to weather the storm that was sure to hit, an inspiration struck me. What if I could weave the perfect web of distraction, substitution, and entertainment that would get her to eat a healthier snack and avoid the tantrum that would delay our departure? From thus was born...Monster Mix!

Not taking the time to deny bug's candy request I eagerly asked her if she'd like a totally awesome, fun, cool snack that she had never had before?! But wait! It's so cool that it's a surprise! and she has to leave the kitchen because she can't see it! Wide eyed and beside herself with excitement she stood in the doorway asking, "Can I see it yet? Is it ready??" Quickly I filled a ziplock bag with a haphard assortment of pantry staples, gave the bag a shake, and presented her with her first ever bag of monster mix.

Want to make your very own monster mix? Just toss together 1/4 - 1/2 cup (or a small handful) of at least 4 different snacks and toss with a few "treat items". Ours included: pretzel sticks, mini wheat thins, whole grain goldfish, Cheerios, raisins, and a tablespoon of M&Ms. She was so excited about the assortment that she ate everything else and left more than half the M&Ms in the bag.

Mission accomplished!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

33 months

It is so hard to believe that my little bug is already almost THREE years old. The past few months have been an adjustment for all of us as I've gone from working too many hours, not working enough hours, to finding a fit that's juuuuust right. If you were a fly on the wall at our house these days, this is what you might see:

  • Bug went from resisting potty training full force to completely potty trained day and night in a matter of days. It was like a flip switched and she was done with diapers.

  • Tantrums are back with a vengence, but with the added twist of insanity. Bug can be the sweetest, most adorable little angel one second and a raging lunatic screaming, scratching, and drooling on everything the next. The tantrums can come out of nowhere and last from seconds to minutes with absolutely no way of predicting the outcome ahead of time. They are crazier than ever before because of the fury with which she carries them out.

  • Bug is obsessed with the "If you give a mouse/pig/moose/dog/ect" books and we read at least two of them every day.

  • We all got extrememly spoiled over the holidays with free access to sweets, but bug is having a hard time getting back to healthy snacks and most of the tantrums (see above) start out with a request for chocolate/candy/cookies that is denied.

  • Bug likes for us to tell her real stories (her favorites are "when bug was born" and "disney worlds"), but they have to be the same every single time. I realized this is because she memorizes them and then tells them back to us or to her dolls when she is putting them to bed.

  • Everything happened "yesterday" when she tells a story. Whether it was three hours ago or three months ago, it happened yesterday.

  • Bug has her Daddy's memory for song lyrics and knows nearly all the words to Phish's Joy and My Sweet One, moe.'s She Sends Me, and Life's a Happy Song from the new Muppet movie (in addition to countless Christmas and kid songs).

  • Bedtime is generally not good these days. We have moved bug out of the toddler bed and into a twin bed because she wants Daddy or I to lay in bed with her reading and telling stories for 30-90 minutes every night. We've tried "letting her cry it out", thus far all that has resulted in is a very angry kid and all toys/clothes that she can reach being piled in the center of her floor. It's a work in progress...

I could probably add about a dozen more bullet points, but I think I've hit the high (and low) points of 33 months. I think her Daddy and I will remember this time of her life as being extremely fun, but also as one which tries our patience on a daily basis as her desires so often clash with our own.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year!

Once again I've been neglectful of my blog. One of my new year's resolutions is to not feel guilty about it. I like this blog and sharing ideas and stories, but not at the expensive of time with my little bug or my husband. So I will be continuing my blog, but only when I can, no promises I can't keep.

That said, the new year is treating us well. My new job is wonderful and I love it. All of the staff in my office is nice, helpful, and very personable. Working part-time is a dream. I have more time with the bug and even a morning completely to myself to cook, clean, shop, and craft!

Speaking of the bug, living with a 2 1/2 year old is INTENSE. She can be the sweetest little princess in the world one second and then transform into a raging monster the next - this transformation is usually precipitated by asking for candy 5 minutes before dinner and receiving a negative response from mom and dad. I've got plenty of stories that fellow parents will appreciate, but I'll save them for a 33 month post in a few days (if I get to it...).

Anyway, I hope anyone else who is still reading out there is having a great new year and finding success with their resolutions.