Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monster Mix

In my 33 month post I mentioned that bug's tantrums recently have centered around our denial of junk food. I found myself in one of these situations yesterday morning when I was attempting to get us out of the house. Bug spotted the jar of M&Ms and immediately asked for some. As I prepared to weather the storm that was sure to hit, an inspiration struck me. What if I could weave the perfect web of distraction, substitution, and entertainment that would get her to eat a healthier snack and avoid the tantrum that would delay our departure? From thus was born...Monster Mix!

Not taking the time to deny bug's candy request I eagerly asked her if she'd like a totally awesome, fun, cool snack that she had never had before?! But wait! It's so cool that it's a surprise! and she has to leave the kitchen because she can't see it! Wide eyed and beside herself with excitement she stood in the doorway asking, "Can I see it yet? Is it ready??" Quickly I filled a ziplock bag with a haphard assortment of pantry staples, gave the bag a shake, and presented her with her first ever bag of monster mix.

Want to make your very own monster mix? Just toss together 1/4 - 1/2 cup (or a small handful) of at least 4 different snacks and toss with a few "treat items". Ours included: pretzel sticks, mini wheat thins, whole grain goldfish, Cheerios, raisins, and a tablespoon of M&Ms. She was so excited about the assortment that she ate everything else and left more than half the M&Ms in the bag.

Mission accomplished!

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