Tuesday, January 8, 2013

21 Days of Organization

During a previous post I mentioned having found a "21 Day" plan to help organize and clear out clutter from our home. As I am a working mom with a funky schedule (Mondays off with both kids, two full days of work, one half day with both kids, and one half day with one kid), I needed to modify the plans I found on other sites to fit what is possible for me and what our house really needs. Above you'll find the schedule I devised with the days of the week included. Feel free to copy and modify to suit your needs!

Day 1 - 21 Day Challenge - Medicine Cabinet

We don't have a medicine cabinet as much as a shallow floor to ceiling set of shelving built into the wall of our teeny, tiny bathroom. The top half of the shelves are open to view and the bottom half is concealed behind doors. This was a huge task to clean up and made me feel very motivated to keep up the challenge once I was done.
Upper shelving BEFORE photo
(Note bottles and bottles of baby lotion  which were given to me when my first daughter was born nearly 4 years ago that I never used because I don't believe in dyed/perfumed lotions for baby. Also, bin to the upper right full of gross bath toys that were finally ripe to be purged)
Upper Shelving AFTER
(Biggest improvement here was separating my husband's daily stuff from mine to avoid them all mashing together and us both fumbling through each other's stuff. Also, I moved all the medicines and our contact lenses up out of reach of our ever growing big girl to avoid ingestion or pouring of the contacts down the drain...again)
Lower Shelving BEFORE
(More than half of the medication on the top shelf turned out to be expired when I went through it)
Lower Shelving AFTER
(I threw away many unused bottles of lotion and rearranged to put kid friendly items low and dangerous ones high)
Day 2 - 21 Day Challenge - Purse

Take my word for it, I cleaned my purse. Photo proof doesn't seem necessary in this case:-)

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