Friday, February 28, 2014

"I wish I was at the beach, too" Smoothie

One of my least favorite things in the world is to be cold. I hate it. I usually cope with the winter weather of the Northeast well enough through December and January because I find peace, beauty, and romance in the early snowfalls around the holidays. I also appreciate the giddiness that sledding and playing in the snow creates for my children so I tolerate it. February comes and I still try to be a good sport about the freezing cold winds and (what feel like) daily snow squalls. 

By this point in the season, I'm really just done. I'm done with wearing eight layers every time I leave the house. I'm done with closed windows and stuffy air. I'm done with coming up with indoor activities for the kids. I'm ready to get outside, see some sunshine, and warm up already!

Clearly many of my friends and family feel the same way because they are all taking tropical beach vacations to escape the deep freeze. My colleague is soaking up the sun in Hawaii, my parents are cruising around Mexico, and my in-laws are on a plane to Aruba as I type. I could be jealous of them all (OK, I secretly am...), or I can dig deep and find a way to bring some beach-y comfort to the eternal winter wonderland that is Upstate NY. 

So, that's what I did. 

Each morning this week I've been sipping one of these delicious pina colada like smoothies and pretending really hard that I've got sand between my toes, sun shining on my face, and gentle waves creating a musical backdrop for my morning.

Disadvantage to this approach? Reality hits pretty hard the second I walk out the door. Advantage? A few more months to get bathing suit ready. Speaking of bathing suits, did I mention this delicious and filling smoothie adds up to just 4 Weight Watchers points plus?? Not a bad way to start your morning...

The Recipe


Combine all ingredients in a blender and puree. No need to add ice or anything extra, it will have a perfect consistency from the frozen pineapple. I have been using a very low power, but completely adequate Hamilton Beach single serve blender that is perfect for on the go.


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