Saturday, March 22, 2014

Frozen Day 4 - Tutu photo tutorial!

So when I started my "5 days of Frozen" I intended it to be five consecutive days. Seriously, I have no idea how I thought that was going to happen. Life is just too crazy for a working mama with two kids under the age of five to really expect enough free time FIVE DAYS IN A ROW to accomplish anything more than keeping everyone alive. In my defense, I did create the two pretty sweet Anna and Elsa tutus you're about to read all about. They are actually really easy to make and I finished each one with just a few hours of mindless work after the girls went to bed.

Without further ado, here is my photo tutorial...

Step 1: Measure the waist of your birthday girl/princess/monster child. I was ready to start my little one's tutu when she was napping, so I based her waist measurement on a pair of pants I knew fit her well. Whatever your measurement is, subtract 1-2 inches (1 for a smaller tutu, 2 for a bigger one) before cutting your elastic. You do this because the elastic gets stretched as you tie the tulle. Trust me. If you don't subtract some length, the tutu won't fit!

Step 2: Overlap the ends of your elastic by ~1 inch and sew. You can use a machine or do it by hand like I did. I like to fully secure the elastic ends by sewing a square.

Step 3: Measure and cut your tulle. I used 25 yard rolls of tulle in different colors from Hobby Lobby. The amount you will need depends on how full you want to make your tutu. For my older daughter I used two full rolls and about 1/2 of a roll of glitter tulle added as an accent. I measured by using a rigid mailing envelope to wrap a large amount of tulle around and then cut one end to create many strips with one cut. For the bigger tutu I wrapped the long way around the envelope and the opposite for the smaller one (I was making the smaller one in this tutorial).

Step 4: Start tying the tulle. Fold the tulle in half and create a loop. Place the loop behind the elastic. Pull the loose ends up and through the loop. Pull just until the loop is wrapped around the elastic with the loose ends pointing down. How tight you make the knot (and how close together you squeeze the pieces of tulle) will determine how full your tutu is at the end.

Step 5: Keep tying! Repeat step 4 until the entire elastic band is covered.

Step 6: Once the entire band is covered, you can add more tulle on top of the first row if you want to make it fuller. This was really hard to capture a photo of, but basically you just add another loop between pre-existing loops and don't pull it as tight allowing it to lay on top of your base layer of tulle. I also did this on my Elsa tutu with the glitter tulle that I added at the end.

Step 7: Add on any embellishments you want! I didn't add anything to the little bear's tutu because I didn't want her to be enticed to pull it apart, but I did sew on some snowflake ribbon I purchased after Christmas for my bug's tutu. Other add-on ideas include a big bow, ribbons, or sequins.

FYI: The shirts were made by a local small business RyleighRoo

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Frozen Birthday Party Sneak Peek!

As per my usual routine I start hoarding birthday party supplies as soon as we decide on a theme. Although Maddie's birthday falls in the spring, I've had all winter to look for snowflakes and glittery icicle items. I was even able to get some great deals after Christmas and will be able to take advantage of my father-in-law's extensive Christmas lawn decoration collection to set the scene.

Here are the supplies I will be working with over the next month to put together a Frozen celebration worthy of a princess...

Can you guess what I'm doing with all these supplies? Or what items will never actually make it to the party?

Here's a sneak peek at my custom made invitation...

For the first time in forrrrrever (good luck getting it out of your head now...) we're planning a separate adult family party and a kid/school friends party. Double planning, double the fun? We will see!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Love is an open door

The sentiment of this song is actually really sweet and not too sappy, but it's still not what REAL love is all about. I will say in Disney's defense that it might be difficult to make "I love you even when you smell like baby vomit" melodically appealing though. After 15+ years of dating, 7 years of marriage, 2 cats, and 2 children here is what I think love is really all about.

Love is being there. You might not be showered or wearing "real clothes". You might be older or heavier than you were when you first met. You might be suffering from mental, physical, or emotional stress that has altered how you even see yourself. But when you really love someone you are still there. Day in and day out. By their side. Wrinkles, graying hair, ill-fitting pants and all.

Love is laughing together. In your younger days the laughter might have been over a comedy at the movies or while sharing stories of childhood adventures. Now it's often over who changes the most poopy diapers (me, hands down) or the latest ridiculous thing the four year old said ("Your private parts are nice, mommy" on walking in on me getting out of the shower this morning...). The point is, keep smiling, laughing, and finding joy in things together.

Love is growing together. We are all always changing. For most of us the changes are slow, subtle, and happen so indistinctly that we don't realize we've even changed until we look back at where we were and see how far we've come. Truly loving someone means making this journey with them rather than away from them.

Love is messy. It's not a fairy tale that starts at a ball and ends with happily ever after. It's ups and downs. Love can fill you with such happiness that you feel like you are literally about to burst. And sometimes love feels like the smallest flicker of light in the pit of your stomach on the brink of snuffing out completely. Even on those darkest days true love is there, part of you, just waiting for you to take a deep breath and feed the flame.

Love is accepting yourself as someone worth loving. You can have SO MUCH love for your partner, but if you don't value the role you play in the love relationship things will never be as good as they could be. This most crucial point is where I personally have struggled the most (and still struggle at times). Put simply, love yourself so others can too!

So there you have it, Disney. Love is getting old and frumpy, changing poopy diapers, fighting the darkness within, and a whole lot of self-reflection. Good luck turning that into a musical ballad...

Monday, March 10, 2014

In Summer

Usually this is the time of year when it finally starts warming up in Upstate NY and we can look forward to Spring. About now it really doesn't feel like it's ever going to happen. There is still more than a few inches of snow covering the ground and the local weather is calling for a possible 6 inches of snow later this week.

Bug loves the snow, but mommy is SO over it!
In addition to being just plain yucky, all this frigid cold is preventing our builder from making any progress on the construction of our new house. Total bummer all around.
Where we thought we would have at least part of a house at this point...

In an effort to be optimistic (like the hilarious Olaf) I'm jotting down all the things I'm looking forward to when it's finally summer...
  • Taking nature walks and hikes
  • Our house (hopefully) being built 
  • My parents coming home from Florida
  • Chasing lightening bugs
  • Trips to the lake
  • Going outside without six layers of insulated clothing
  • Seeing my girls play with their cousins on Cape Cod
  • Grilling season
  • Sand on my toes
  • Farmer's Markets
  • Visiting all the local ice cream stands
  • Seeing Phish in an outdoor venue
  • Iced coffee on a hot afternoon
  • Swimming with my girls
  • Campfires
  • Sitting in the grass
  • Sandals
  • Local produce
  • Picnics at the park
  • Gin and Tonic by the pool
  • Sunshine!
Keep thinking warm thoughts everyone, we'll get to enjoy all these things "in summer" before we know it!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Five Days of Frozen

My family is officially Frozen obsessed. The movie crept into our lives before it even debuted on the big screen. Merchandise was prominently on display throughout the Disney Parks back in the beginning of November before the movie came out. We didn't stock up on toys (not knowing how in demand they would be in just a few short weeks), but my bug happened to fall in love with the Anna gown when we took her shopping for a princess dress in Downtown Disney.

"Princess pose" in Downtown Disney after buying her new dress
I was a bit skeptical about letting her buy the dress of an unknown princess from an unseen movie, but it fit all the major bug criteria - spin-y skirt, sparkles, and no itchy crinoline/tulle on her skin - so we went ahead and bought it. If only we knew how obsessed she would become, we probably would have splurged and bought her the Elsa dress too.

After her full princess makeover
Which brings me to the day we saw the movie. We I cried, laughed, and thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. When we walked out of the theater my bug declared that she was having a Frozen themed birthday party. My husband downloaded the soundtrack as soon as we got home and it's been playing non-stop ever since. No joke, we've been living in a house of Frozen worship for over three months now. 

Bug knows all the lyrics to "Let it Go" (amazing song), "Love is an Open Door" (fun song), and "Frozen Heart" (somewhat disturbing song to hear a four year old sing/chant). Baby bear dances and giggles as soon as she hears the opening bars of "Let it Go". I go to bed each night planning Frozen themed party treats and ways to make decorations that look like snow.

If there was a word stronger than OBSESSED, you could use it to describe us.

As it's always on my mind anyway, I've decided to spend the next week making Frozen themed posts. I might even give some sneak peaks into my party planning. 

Check back soon for more!