Monday, March 10, 2014

In Summer

Usually this is the time of year when it finally starts warming up in Upstate NY and we can look forward to Spring. About now it really doesn't feel like it's ever going to happen. There is still more than a few inches of snow covering the ground and the local weather is calling for a possible 6 inches of snow later this week.

Bug loves the snow, but mommy is SO over it!
In addition to being just plain yucky, all this frigid cold is preventing our builder from making any progress on the construction of our new house. Total bummer all around.
Where we thought we would have at least part of a house at this point...

In an effort to be optimistic (like the hilarious Olaf) I'm jotting down all the things I'm looking forward to when it's finally summer...
  • Taking nature walks and hikes
  • Our house (hopefully) being built 
  • My parents coming home from Florida
  • Chasing lightening bugs
  • Trips to the lake
  • Going outside without six layers of insulated clothing
  • Seeing my girls play with their cousins on Cape Cod
  • Grilling season
  • Sand on my toes
  • Farmer's Markets
  • Visiting all the local ice cream stands
  • Seeing Phish in an outdoor venue
  • Iced coffee on a hot afternoon
  • Swimming with my girls
  • Campfires
  • Sitting in the grass
  • Sandals
  • Local produce
  • Picnics at the park
  • Gin and Tonic by the pool
  • Sunshine!
Keep thinking warm thoughts everyone, we'll get to enjoy all these things "in summer" before we know it!

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