Sunday, June 1, 2014

Don't Walk...Run!

Last month my posts were all about the food changes I challenged myself to make. Six weeks later, I've hit my first rough patch. There have been significant changes at home and my work schedule was rough this week. I was doing early rounds at the hospital and attenting late meetings or events most nights. I allowed gluten and more sugar to creep back into my diet. The consequence? Poor sleep, low energy, breakouts in my skin, and the return of my daily stomach pains. 

I'm resolving right now to put an end to it. I felt too good the past month to go back in this direction. Right now I'm going gluten free and refined sugar free again - indefinitely. 

On a more positive note, two months ago I decided I was going to start running. This was HUGE for me because I've never even been able to run a mile without wanting to die. Multiple times I've tried (and failed) to become a runner. I tried to run around the high school track with my friend in our teens and quit because I was so much slower than she was. I tried to do the "Couch to 5K" plan in college and decided my time was better spent studying. I planned to do a 5K mud run last fall with my cousin and could barely finish on race day due to lack of preparation. Each failed attempt re-affirmed my belief that I was incapable of running.

I really can't pinpoint what was different this time, but I've really been sticking to it. My goal has been to run every other day and I've mostly been able to keep it up. And when I haven't, and two or three days have lapsed, I haven't given up! I'm not fast and I'm building my distance gradually, but I've never felt more in control of my body. Huge success!

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