Saturday, September 20, 2014

Second Child Syndrome

I know there are things we did the first time around that didn't happen for our second one. Poor bear doesn't have nearly as many baby pictures. Has no baby book. "Cried it out" earlier. Wears tons of hand-me-downs. Has always had to share our love and attention.

Of course there are good things about being second. Breast feeding was easier and lasted longer. We let her play more without hovering. She has a big sister to do everything with.

I like to think the good and bad balance most of the time. Sometimes it's obvious that it's just not though. Like this morning...

When bug was two we started the potty training process and it was A BIG DEAL. Bright pink Baby Bjorn potty chair. New big girl undies with Minnie Mouse on them. Princess pull-ups. The whole deal. We cheered and rewarded every success and stressed over every failure.

Flash forward to now and our bear. She isn't two yet. When we moved into the new house we happened to find the potty chair. Because we didn't want to have to look for it in a few months we haphazardly put it under the sink in the downstairs bathroom. It's been sitting there with no attention drawn to it. 

This morning I was trying to rush out of the house for gymnastics with bug when she decided she had to pee. Disgruntled, I dragged her into the bathroom. While we were in there I realized that the lonely (dusty) little pink potty was full of pee.

Without any prompting the bear had taken it upon herself to use the potty in the few minutes she was diaper-less between her morning change and getting dressed. And we had no idea. Amazing. And kind of sad.

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