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Tuesday, October 12, 2010


I know a few posts ago I was quite down on myself after a really hard month at work. I wouldn't say I've fully rebounded from it yet, but now that I have a little bit of perspective I'd like to share a few things that I did keep up with that helped me stay (somewhat) afloat. Hopefully this will help some other working mommies/busy ladies out there...

*Plan at least two meals that you can make on your day off and re-heat later in the week when time is short (my favs are Annie's Grandma's Mac and Cheese, Mom-in-law's Ham and Scalloped potatoes, Veggie chili, and/or any type of soup)
*Make packing breakfast easy by baking a loaf of banana/pumpkin/zucchini bread on your day off. Once it cools, slice and wrap pieces so it's ready to toss into your lunch bag
*Another easy breakfast option - fill little ziploc containers with granola or muesli and pair with a cup of yogurt (I chose Stoneyfield organics)
*Keep the freezer full of frozen vegetables (bug's favorite are Organic Mixed Veggies with carrots, corn, peas, and green beans)

*Pick one room every few days to "spot clean" (ie wipe down all the surfaces in the kitchen with a clorox wipe, run a sponge around the sink and bathtub, run the vaccuum through the living room) and plan a real hardcore clean-up when your schedule allows
*Do one load of laundry every few days so that it doesn't pile up and take all day on your day off (take advantage of your washer's delay timer if you are lucky enough to have one so you can have your clothes ready to move to the dryer when you get home)

Family time
*First tactic is to take advantage of "known" free time and plan something fun to do in advance (ie apple picking, pumpkin patch, out to dinner, picnic, local festivals, arts and crafts)
*Appreciate the smaller moments (read a book, run around in the backyard, finger paint, play some music and dance together)

*This is probably the area I fail most miserably, but the one thing I usually do to keep myself sane when life is getting out of hand is to treat myself a cup of coffee. In other words, find a small indulgence that helps and (this is the key) let yourself have it without guilt.

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