Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saying thanks

Last year the super sweet nursing team from my outpatient clinic put together a special "Doctor's Day" celebration for all of the residents and attending doctors. Beyond that, they are just great people who have supported me and helped me learn since the day I started my residency. I was on maternity leave last May and never got to pay them back on Nurse's Day/Nurse's Week. I didn't want to let another year go by without formally saying "thanks," so I made a big batch of cookies to bring to clinic with me tomorrow.

I used my favorite cookbook as usual (Baking From My Home to Yours by Dorie Greenspan). I followed the recipe for "My Best Chocolate Chip Cookies" (check out the recipe here). I used the variation to make Chocolate Chocolate Chip cookies suggested in the "Playing Around" column. I also decided to use 6oz of semi-sweet chocolate chips and 6oz of butterscotch chips instead of all chocolate.

I love reading blogs with photo captures of each step of the process, but I usually don't have the dedication to stick it out. Today I did. Enjoy!

Start with some butter...

Then add some sugar...

Mix until well blended.

Mix in a few eggs and some vanilla

Whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, and baking soda

Just about done...

Lastly, stir in the chips!

Finally, the dough is all ready to bake.

Ignore the old cookie pan, I need new ones

Done! Dark chocolately, crispy on the edges, and soft in the middle. Delicious!

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