Friday, May 7, 2010

She's Bananas!

My daughter has an issue. A food issue. Her favorite food changes on a constant basis. One day she smashes handfuls of the "flavor of the day" into her toothy little mouth and grins ear-to-ear. The next day, the very same food will be expelled the moment it touches her tongue and she will wail until something else is offered. As an avid food lover, this bothers me more than anything else I've yet encountered in motherhood. How can she get so much joy out of a food one day and absolutely despise it the next?!

Then, one glorious day, I thought I had broken the cycle. Not for two days, or three days, but for a whole WEEK she gobbled up bananas. She ate them on a mat, she ate them with a cat. She ate them here, she ate them there. She ate them EVERYWHERE. Thrilled, I went straight to Sam's Club and purchased a large stem of bananas. She might have eaten one of them before deciding she was wrong and she actually hates bananas too. She hates them so much she waves her hands wildly if they even touch the tray of her highchair until every last piece is out of her sight. Day after day I tried reintroducing them, but was met with the same manic squeal and flurry of hands and arms scattering banana bits across the kitchen each time.

Tired of scrubbing the floor, I decided the remainder of the bananas would meet a different fate. I had so many left still, I dedicated half to a loaf of banana bread and the other half to Banana Bundt cake from Baking: From My Home to Yours.

Oddly enough, the baby LOVES the banana bread.

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was odd that parents who love different foods could have kids who focus on just ONE food to eat. It's interesting to learn these things from you ahead of time. At least the BUG will try different things. I'm SURE this banana aversion will pass, and at least she liked the bread!
