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Monday, November 15, 2010

19 months

I took a break from this feature for a few months (to say I've been busy would be the understatement of the year), but I'm back with a bug update at 19 months.

  • At her last doctor's appointment bug was situated right about the 45th% for both height and weight and 30th% for head circumference
  • Also at her doctor's appointment she got her flu vaccine. Anyone with a baby over 6 months should call their doctor's office and schedule their little one for the vaccine as well - infants and the elderly are the populations most at risk for serious complications from the flu!!
  • Bug still loves her fruits and veggies. She's finally expanded her veggie "likes" to include broccoli, but her favorites are still carrots and peas.
  • Soup is the next big thing in our house. Bug has decided she loves soup - everything from won ton to chicken noodle to minestrone to potato and leek!
  • After a slow start with her speech, bug's vocabulary is expanding on a daily basis and she often suprises us with new words.
  • Bug still loves to dance, but her moves now include out of control twirling until she's so dizzy she falls over and mini bopping (not quite jumping) movements that she punctuates by yelling, "hop! hop!"
  • Bug continues to love music. In addition to dancing, she also tries to sing ala "Boo" from Monster's Inc.
  • "Cooking" is bug's new favorite game. She likes to fill her toy pots and pans with leaves (outdoors) or cereal (indoors) and pretend to cook. I think I've got a future top chef on my hands...

I have to say that although being a mommy to a 19 month old is exhausting, it's also just about the most fun I could imagine. There is just something about that little smile and voice that make life so much more meaningful. Her smiles and giggles make my day and her little cries break my heart. She's amazing and I'm so glad that her daddy and I get to go on this journey of growing up with her.

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