Tuesday, December 7, 2010

20 months

I can't believe that my bug is ANOTHER month older and how much she's changed again in such a short time. Here's the breakdown...

  • My girl has definitely had a growth spurt and is getting taller and taller. I can tell because all of the 18 month pants that I used to have to roll up, are fitting perfect and even getting a bit short!
  • Bug is having a much easier time going to sleep on her own these days. We bring her into her room, turn down the lights, sing a few songs, and then turn on her Fisher Price music and light projector and she goes right to sleep.
  • It's hard to know where bug's appetite is at these days as she's had a rotten cold for over a week now and every meal is hit or miss.
  • Her favorite characters are Elmo (she calls him "mo mo") and Pooh and she gets so excited when she finds toys, pictures, movies, etc that involve them.
  • Bug HATES when I do anything with her hair. Bows, pigtails, and ponytails don't last for more than seconds.
  • She loves to play "mommy" and carries her dolls around wrapped in blankets singing to them, gives them rides in the stroller, feeds them, and puts lotion on them.
  • Bath time is a riot as bug likes to splash, "swim", dance, and generally do anything except get her hair washed.
  • We're getting ready for Christmas and bug really seems to enjoy the decorations. Her favorite is the small blow-up Santa next to our front steps that she says "Hi" and "Ho ho ho" to whenever we come or go.

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