Saturday, December 4, 2010

The good, the bad, and the just plain ugly

Due to my dear husband's constant requests, I've decided to post my review of the newest Harry Potter film. Beware there are SPOILERS GALORE if you have not yet seen the film or read the book.

I found the opening scenes of the movie which pictured Harry, Ron, and Hermione preparing for their departure from their respective homes a very fitting and moving way to set the tone for the rest of the movie. And, I won't lie, watching Hermione wipe her parent's memories had me in tears before the movie had even really started...

Although it was a departure from the book, I liked that Hedwig wasn't a "sitting duck" in her cage during the battle above Privet Drive and she was killed trying to protect Harry instead - it made her death more heroic than tragic.

Everything from Harry following the doe into the woods to Ron destroying the Horcrux was very true to the book and I thought it was depicted well.

The little "cartoon" to represent the Tale of the Three Brothers was a creative way to depict the story while Hermione was reading it and I really liked it.

The end of the movie was done very well and it felt like an appropriate breaking point. Dobby's demise was as heart-wrenching as it was in the book and Voldemort's triumph at retrieving Dumbledore's wand was chilling. It all set the stage well for the final movie.

I found it unfortunate that the filmmakers chose to eliminate the "good-bye" sequence between Harry and the Dursleys. Having Harry and Dudley shake hands really brings closure to their relationship and I missed it in the movie.

I thought the film rushed through the stay at the Burrow. Cutting out the "ghoul in pajamas" underplays the lengths that Ron also went through to protect his family.

They rushed through the stay at Grimmauld Place far too quickly as well. I think this creates a "fatal flaw" in the plot as Hermione never takes the portrait of Phineas Nigellus with her. Without his picture in her bag there is no way for Snape to know that they are in the Forest of Dean later on in the story so that he can place the sword in the pond for Harry to find.

The Ministry of Magic scene was a disaster. Harry didn't rescue Moody's eye, it was awkward how Harry and Ron's characters charged into the questioning of Mrs. Cattermole, and it was ridiculous that the polyjuice potion wore off and Harry was able to just walk out of the ministry without any one of the hundreds of wizards present stopping him.

Another unfortunate omission from the movie was the Potterwatch radio show. Although not necessary for the plot, the show helped place everything that was going on with Harry in the woods into the larger prospective of the wizarding world and I missed it.

The first awkward moment of the movie to me was when all of the Order members arrived at Privet Drive. Bill Weasley introduces himself to Harry as if they have never met before. Although the filmmakers may have adjusted their scripts to eliminate interactions between their characters, in the books Harry has known Bill since The Goblet of Fire.

The incredibly awkward "dancing" scene with Harry and Hermione in the tent after Ron leaves should be lying on an editing room floor somewhere. This scene is not from the book because it is entirely inappropriate based on the sequence of events preceding it and does not fit the personalities of the characters at all.

The capture scene after they escape from the Lovegood's house makes absolutely no sense. Unlike in the book where Harry saying Voldemort (breaking the taboo) allows the snatchers to invade their camp, in the movie the snatchers just appear out of nowhere. It just doesn't fit that they would be caught then when they were never caught before.

I'm sure I'll think of more, but those were the issues that were most obvious to me. If you've made it through, congrats! Please make sure to remind me what a huge dork I am the next time you see me in person:-)

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