Wednesday, October 19, 2011

30 months

I started doing these snapshots of what it's like living with an infant/toddler at different stages and thought it might be fun to resume! Here's what my bug is like at 30 months!
  • Tantrums still happen, but are far less frequent and easier to defuse with distraction than they were 6 months ago.
  • Diet is fickle to the extreme. Sometimes she will request seconds and thirds of a meal, other times she refuses to eat more than a few bites. Her favorite real foods these days are broccoli, carrots, grapes, cheese, and shrimp. Her favorite junk food is mini lollipops.
  • Everything prompts a question. I must answer "What is it?" and "What's in it?" twenty times a day minimum.
  • Her language skills seem to be improving and expanding on a daily basis still. I can tell she is putting more complex thoughts into words and gets frustrated far less frequently.
  • She has a great memory and picks up on routine well. For example, I made a comment that her Papa (my dad) might not be home and she responded, "Yea, Papa might be at camp" in reference to his cabin that he frequents all summer.
  • She is starting to repeat, but with her good memory the things she hears can come up much later so we really need to watch ourselves. We don't really use curse words, but I made an offhand comment one day referring to myself as "fat" and days later she started chanting "Mommy's fat, mommy's fat" in the car. Oops!
  • She still loves to dance - I'm thinking of starting her in dance class soon.
  • She has a sense of humor and loves to watch America's Funniest Home Videos - she laughs at all the animal videos.
  • She has an insane imagination. She plays house with her babies all the time and her bath time is frequently invaded by walruses, sharks, sea turtles, and dolphins after our visit to Sea World.
  • I got away with not having to wean pacifiers or bottles, haven't had to deal with a crazy attachment to a stuffed animal or blanket, and don't have to worry about bug trying to get into places that are off limits (she HATES when I unlock under the sink to get a new garbage bag and tries to re-lock it), but she is aggressively resisting my attempts at potty training. In fact, she doesn't even want her diaper changed anymore. It's a complete waste disposal shut down.
Things might be busier and more difficult in some ways, but I LOVE this age. She's funny, interactive, and learning like a sponge. Not to mention the fact that she's the cutest kid I've ever seen...don't you agree?:-)

1 comment:

  1. What a great post. I just love hearing everything Maddie is up to, she not only is the cutiest kid I've ever seen (of course you and your sister were too) she is the smartest. You're also right about her being a sponge, she remembers everything. We're all so blessed to have Maddie in our family.
