Monday, October 24, 2011

F, G, and H

We finished last week by learning about the letters F, G, and H.

We celebrated the letter "F" by having French toast sticks for breakfast, jumping around pretending to be frogs, visiting some friends, taking a drive to check out what's left of the fall foliage, and (as evidence by these pictures) making funny faces.

Yummy french toast sticks!

We learned about the letter G by being guests in bug's aunt's classroom, practicing being gentle with our kitty moe., and playing guitar with Daddy.

I know the cat looks like she's trying to get away,
but she actually was purring and seemed quite happy.

Playing along to Phish's "Joy" with Daddy

Our celebration of the letter H was a bit off because we had to spend the day out of the house as bug's Daddy and Pa were doing some major construction in the middle of our living room (taking down half of a wall and sheet rocking). We visited a bounce house playground to hop and bought a new Halloween hat (the next day we went on a hayride too!)

Halloween hat from Gymboree

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