Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Iced Coffee Cupcakes

No, I haven't given up on Weight Watchers already. It just so happens that January is an incredibly busy month for birthdays among my family, friends, and coworkers. Diet or no diet, cupcakes are kinda my thing when it comes to celebrating someone's birth. Don't worry, I ate light all day yesterday so I could test out the frosting and make sure I had the perfect blend of flavors:-)

The cupcakes I'm blogging today are for someone very special at my practice -  my office manager and good friend. She has really been my lifeline since I joined the group just over two years ago. There have been quite a few bumps along the way for me and she has been on top of them all helping me get in touch with the right people and getting answers in a timely manner. She's also a huge reason my practice has built so quickly - she actively works the phones to recruit patients to the office and then presents a happy, smiling face at the desk that welcomes families and makes them feel at home. Aside from business, I also genuinely really like her personally. She's a great mom to her own "big kids" and is always offering me encouragement through the rough times with my monsters. In short, she's pretty great. And really, making this fabulous lady a few cupcakes doesn't even begin to thank her for all she does. But I hope it's a start.

So without further ado, I present a cupcake many Pinterest articles came together to create...I call them Dunkin' Donut Iced Coffee Cupcakes.

My inspiration was my friend's daily morning brew from DD. I blended elements from a few different recipes and modeled the final "look" after two or three different images I came across when searching for "coffee cupcakes" on Pinterest. I assure you, they really are as good as they look.

If you want to try making your own, I got the cake recipe from here. I followed it exactly as written using her modifications in red. The frosting was my own recipe that you will find below. The "sprinkles" are actually just a dusting of organic raw sugar from Trader Joe's. I tried to mimic the DD look by using pink cupcake wrappers and garnishing with actual straws from the restaurant.

Milk and Coffee Buttercream Frosting
2 1/2 sticks of butter, at room temperature
3 cups of confectioner's sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp whole milk
1 tbsp hot water + 2 tsp instant espresso (dissolve coffee in water)
  1. Beat butter on medium speed in the bowl of a stand mixer until very soft and "white" in appearance.
  2. Add 2 cups (240g)* confectioner's sugar, vanilla extract, and milk to the mixer and beat for at least two minutes until smooth and thick.
  3. Remove 1 1/2 cups frosting from the mixing bowl and set aside.
  4. Add 1 cup (120g) confectioner's sugar and the espresso/water mixture to the mixer bowl and beat for at least 2 minutes.
  5. Decorate cupcakes by piping large circle of coffee buttercream first, then smaller circle of "milk" buttercream. Sprinkle with sugar and top with straw (if desired).
*I use a small food scale to measure the sugar and get more precision in my recipes.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Pumpkin Smoothie

After making the last recipe I posted (Baked Pumpkin Cranberry Oatmeal) I was left with half a can of organic pumpkin puree. I really didn't feel like baking again - busy week at work and my hands have been so dry that I didn't want to have a lot of dishes to wash - so the container has sat in the fridge all week.

This morning after taking my first group exercise class in probably over a year at the gym I finally had an inspiration for that sad little container of pumpkin. I decided to make myself a replenishing smoothie alongside my nutrient packed breakfast (a kale, salsa, and brown rice omelette with a bowl of clementine segments). To my complete and utter surprise, my used-to-be-a-great-eater-but-now-is-extremely-picky 4 1/2 year old loved it too! After letting her try a sip, I was trying to set up a photo, but she decided I was taking too long and climbed up onto the table to drink some more. I decided this photo was far cuter than the solo smoothie.

Maple Pumpkin Smoothie
makes 1 serving - 3 points plus

1/2 frozen banana
1/3 cup plain, lowfat organic yogurt
1/2 cup organic pumpkin puree
1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tbsp pure maple syrup

  1. Put the frozen banana in the blender and let rest for at least 5 minutes
  2. Add remaining ingredients and blend until smooth
  3. Enjoy as a snack or with your breakfast

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Baked Pumpkin Cranberry Oatmeal To Go

I spent a large portion of last year really focusing in on nutrition and trying to figure out the best things for my family to be eating. I lost a lot of weight in the first half of the year and was feeling pretty good about all of the fresh, local foods we were eating. Then, we got an offer on our house and my whole world turned upside down.

We only had a month to get our entire house packed and to find a place to live. I was also planning bear's first birthday party which is always extremely time consuming for me. In addition, we were going to Disney World and had to pack and plan for that. Somehow we made it through, but then we came home and we were living in a tiny apartment. We had to make all the arrangements and preparations for Christmas in our limited space. Finally we made our second move into my parent's house between Christmas and the New Year.

After the house sold all of the stress and craziness was just too much. I wanted to stick with everything I had been working towards, but was just so overwhelmed. I started hitting up drive-thrus again, we ordered takeout multiple times per week, and I was constantly making unhealthy food choices for myself at work. And (not surprising) I started to feel horrible. Mentally, I was disappointed in myself. Physically, my body was feeling uncomfortable - stomachaches, acid reflux, gastritis (probably an ulcer too), skin breakouts, and a generalized feeling of heaviness. 

Now that we are moved and settled (for at least the next 5 months anyway) I'm really motivated to get back on the wagon. I've rejoined Weight Watchers. I'm making a plan to get back to the gym at least three days per week. I'm feeling really optimistic and excited to go forward. 

All that said, It's very easy for me to let my mommy obligations get in the way of a healthier, happier lifestyle for myself. I know I need to have a plan or I won't succeed. The first part of this plan for me is not having to think about breakfast. Each week I am going to make something over the weekend that has me set for success each morning. Something easy that doesn't require any fussing over. Which brings me to my first recipe share of the New Year...

Baked Pumpkin Cranberry Oatmeal To Go
Based on the recipe for baked oatmeal found here

Yields: 12 muffins at 4 points plus each

2 eggs
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup melted butter
1 apple, grated
1 1/4 cup 1% milk

3 cups rolled oats
1 tsp cinnamon
1 cup fresh cranberries
1/2 cup canned pumpkin puree
  1. Preheat oven to 375 and grease muffin tin with non-stick spray.
  2. Mix first 7 ingredients together with a mixer.
  3. Add last four ingredients and mix by hand until well blended. The mixture will be very loose and wet still. Allow to rest in the mixing bowl for at least 30 minutes.
  4. Divide evenly between muffin wells and bake for 25-30 minutes until set.
  5. Can eat hot or freeze* for later use. Store at room temperature for 3 days, in the fridge for 7 days, or in the freezer for one month.
They are delicious at room temp, but I prefer to re-warm them in the oven at 350 for five minutes when I have time.
*If frozen, reheat by setting oven to 350, wrapping muffin in foil and baking for 5 minutes. Turn off oven and leave muffin in for 10 minutes longer.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Welcome 2014

2013 was a good year. There were many moments of stress and frustration, but many, many more moments of laughter, silliness, excitement, and joy. Here is my rundown of our past year...

  • Our baby bear grew from a newborn to an infant to a monster toddler
  • Our bug developed into an incredible, bright, insightful and stubborn "big kid"
  • My sister joined the mommy club and we welcomed my sweet, sweet nephew to the family in September
  • I ran my first 5K...and it was a mud run!
  • I got to sate my love of party planning with a Brave 4th Birthday Party, a Dalmatian Baby Shower, and an "If you Give a Mouse a Cookie" 1st Birthday Party (still to be blogged...)
  • We put our house on the market and lived in a strange state of limbo with open houses and showings for almost 6 months
  • We moved...and moved...and moved! From our house, to an apartment, to my parent's house in just 3 months
  • Neither of my kids like to sleep so I think I might have had a full, uninterrupted night of sleep half a dozen times (not exaggerating) in 2013
  • We designed our new house and are anxiously awaiting the official start of construction
  • We took a big family trip to Disney World (the HAPPIEST place on earth!) with my parents and in-laws. My brother and his family even got to meet us for a few days of the trip
  • My practice secured a new office and went through the process of designing the newer, larger space - I finally will get my own private office and exam rooms that are all mine!
  • We got to spend a lot of time with family at home and on the road (Florida, Cape Cod, Saranac Lake, Lake Sacandaga)
  • My husband's gauge of a good year...we got to see Phish multiple times
  • My husband and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary and a few days later the 15th anniversary of our first date 
What I learned most this past year is PATIENCE. Patience in selling our house. Patience in making progress on a new office, new schedule, and new salary. Patience in taking care of two kids with extremely different, but equally important needs. Patience in working through nightmares and fussy toddlers at 2am. Patience in balancing my roles as mommy, wife, sister, daughter, and doctor. Patience in remodeling my self image. The more I struggled to *make* things happen the more frustrated, stressed, and unhappy I found myself. 

I am hoping 2014 will find me learning from my mistakes, letting go of the things I can not change, and fully appreciating all of the awesomeness that already is a part of my life.