Saturday, January 11, 2014

Pumpkin Smoothie

After making the last recipe I posted (Baked Pumpkin Cranberry Oatmeal) I was left with half a can of organic pumpkin puree. I really didn't feel like baking again - busy week at work and my hands have been so dry that I didn't want to have a lot of dishes to wash - so the container has sat in the fridge all week.

This morning after taking my first group exercise class in probably over a year at the gym I finally had an inspiration for that sad little container of pumpkin. I decided to make myself a replenishing smoothie alongside my nutrient packed breakfast (a kale, salsa, and brown rice omelette with a bowl of clementine segments). To my complete and utter surprise, my used-to-be-a-great-eater-but-now-is-extremely-picky 4 1/2 year old loved it too! After letting her try a sip, I was trying to set up a photo, but she decided I was taking too long and climbed up onto the table to drink some more. I decided this photo was far cuter than the solo smoothie.

Maple Pumpkin Smoothie
makes 1 serving - 3 points plus

1/2 frozen banana
1/3 cup plain, lowfat organic yogurt
1/2 cup organic pumpkin puree
1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tbsp pure maple syrup

  1. Put the frozen banana in the blender and let rest for at least 5 minutes
  2. Add remaining ingredients and blend until smooth
  3. Enjoy as a snack or with your breakfast

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