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Saturday, April 2, 2011

30 posts in 30 days?!

I'm challenging myself to a post a day for the month of April! I think this will be a good month to try to re-invest myself in blogging as 1. I'm on an elective rotation and should have more free evenings and 2. I am working on SO MANY crafts/projects/recipes related to birthdays that I should have lots to blog about. And yes, I admit I'm already kinda-sorta-maybe-definitely cheating as it's now 12:30am and this shouldn't count as my 4/1 post, but I'm giving myself leeway as I'm voluntarily in the Neonatal ICU tonight and time flies when you're managing bitty babes! Tune in daily as there are going to be many sewing projects, cakes/treats, exercise attempts, and working mom quick recipes to come!


  1. I have been faithfully checking this page...I was super shocked to see a post! If knowing I check everyday will help you succeed you know I'll be doing it :)

  2. I'm so excited. I can't wait to see all of the fabulous ideas and creations you come up with! :)
