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Monday, April 25, 2011

Post 20 - Spring Cleaning

I'm thrilled that I finally made it to one of my coveted vacation weeks, but am totally bummed that the forecast calls for wind and rain EVERY SINGLE DAY! It looks like I'm going to have to make use of all the indoor time by doing some spring cleaning. The obvious tasks everyone probably catches up on when they are free from work include many loads of laundry and sweeping/mopping/vacuuming all the floors. This week I'm also planning to clean out the pantry in the kitchen (done! did it this morning!), remove all the 18 month clothing from bug's drawers to put into storage, change my clothes over to my summer wardrobe, and REALLY clean the bathroom so it's ready for us to re-paint and tile the floors later this spring.

Other actually fun things I hope to do this week:
  • Take bug to the state museum
  • Finish my thank you cards from bug's family party
  • Make the invitations to bug's kid party in June
  • Get my bum to the gym every day for at least an hour
  • Catch up with as many friends as possible
  • Go on a "date" with my husband
  • Start my party planner for bug's June party
  • Read at least 3 issues of Peds in Review for board prep
  • Take bug to the playground
  • Have BBQ for dinner (even if we have to eat indoors)
Let's see how far I make it down my list!

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