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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Post 25 - PB + Bug = Disaster (updated!)

I decided to give bug a "creative" snack this afternoon - apple slices, cheese wedges, and some creamy natural peanut butter. First, all was well and she dipped the apples like a pro. Then she realized, "Hey, this PB feels kinda neat!" and started rubbing it between her fingers. Before I could even utter a feeble and likely to be ignored, "Don't try it...", she smiled and rubbed it all over her face. Oh well, at least she had fun!

Update: Here is the aftermath of the PB incident. I had to strip the bug down and wash her in the kitchen sink (I had just finished scrubbing the bathroom and couldn't bear to deal with sticky PB in the tub). She LOVED this and kept turning the faucet up to full power and then putting her hand under the stream to spray water everywhere. When we were finally done, she insisted on climbing into her booster seat at the table and just kept laughing and saying, "Funny? Yea?!"

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